

n. mediation – a voluntary confidential process by which an independent person helps you find a solution where there is disagreement

As a litigation lawyer...

I would always do my best to help people not get into a dispute in the first place, or to resolve it as soon as appropriately possible. Consistent with that, I trained as civil mediator in 1997 (ADR Group) and, to make sure my practice was current, trained again in 2018 (CEDR). It is quite a thing to be trusted by those involved with a dispute to help them resolve it, put it behind them and move forward. It too is a privilege.
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My mediation career

I first trained with ADR Group in 1997 and then again with CEDR in 2018.Since 1997, I have mediated a lot of cases.

Many have related to real estate – about money, rights and obligations, contracts, property relationships and so on.

Most of my appointments have been two-party disputes, but some have been more including one involving seven parties. Most have been a day (often a long day) or less but some have been multiple days.

They have ranged in value from £’000s to many £m’s.

Given my parallel interest in companies (see my NED work), from time to time I have been put forward to use my mediation skills in helping deadlocked companies (those owned 50/50) move forward from disputes.
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My mediation style

Mediators are mostly facilitative, and some are evaluative. I tend to be both, adjusting at the appropriate moments.

Together we will need to understand the problem that has led to the dispute and why it has not been resolved already. Actively listening throughout is crucial. I will challenge each side in a way that might help move everyone towards a resolution.
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How do I work as a mediator?

I can work to a structure, or be flexible about process. Sometimes I have to help parties resolve disputes even about the process.

What is important is to understand, listen, challenge and help.

I mediate in person or online. If the problem relates to a boundary, for example, I like to mediate at the property or nearby so we can all see what the issues are.

I don’t keep records of how many of the cases have settled – it is not about me, it is about you. A lot have settled. But even when disputes are not fully resolved at the mediation, the mediation has usually clarified issues and forward progress has been made making the case a little clearer or easier to settle later. In some cases, the settlement discussions continue after the progress made at the mediation and I have been asked to stay involved.
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Where do I work as a mediator?

I am usually based in London or West Sussex, so most of my mediations are in the South-East. But I am happy to travel, and of course many mediations these days can be on-line.
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I am insured

Under an Oxygen Professional Liability Insurance Policy with Hiscox Insurance Company Limited policy number OXY8584845 (from 1 July 2024)

I am registered with the Civil Mediation Council

I am on the commercial panel of Wandsworth Mediation Service

I am also a member of the Party Wall Mediation Scheme

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