
Complaints and regulation

I hope you are always satisfied with my service. But we all know that sometimes things go wrong.

If you have a complaint, please first discuss it with your legal adviser. They can help you understand whether it is about me, or something else about the case and the mediation. If it is about me, ask your legal adviser to get in touch with me so we can discuss it. They can also send me a feedback form on your behalf. If your concerns are still not resolved, then you can escalate the complaint by contacting the Civil Mediation Council here.

I will remain on the Solicitors’ Roll as a non-practising solicitor and so remain subject to the Solicitors Regulation Authority Principles. That means I am required to act in a way that upholds the constitutional principle of the rule of law, and the proper administration of justice. To that extent only, I am regulated by the SRA. However, mediation itself is an unregulated activity, whether by the SRA or any other body, which I undertake on my own account.

As a mediator who is registered with the Civil Mediation Council (CMC), I have agreed to adhere to the European Code of Conduct for Mediators.